Thursday, December 1, 2016

Radiation shields

Radiation shields, shielded pouches & cases

Mobile phone manufacturer’s instructions include safe usage advice that requires users to keep the phone a minimum distance away from the body at all times eg iPhone 5mm, Blackberry 25mm.

Mobile Safety pouches and cases have a backing shield that protects the body from direct contact with, and absorption of, mobile phone radiation. Some can also be used to completely protect magnetic credit cards from theft and cloak phones & tablets from location tracking.

Studies show categorically that men who keep a cell phone in their pocket for more than 4 hours per day have about a 50% lower sperm count. Evaluation of sperm damagehas revealed remaining sperm produced is also sicklier and less likely to be fertile.

Breast surgeons are encountering women with strange and highly unlikely cases of breast cancer where one or multiple tumours have formed in the same place and shape of the mobile phone that was tucked into the patients bra for many years.

Anti-Radiation Phone & Tablet Cases and Covers

Anti-radiation phone cases & covers are super easy to use. Do your homework and buy the right one so that afterwards you can place them on your phone and forever forget they there working away cutting down your radiation exposure!

Phone radiation protection cases broadly fall into two categories:

Signal manipulating technologies:
Anti-radiation cases are supplied with embedded with a high tech super thin antenna system that redirects signal away from the user. Very high radiation reduction levels can be achieved (between 60 – 99%). Because less radiation is being absorbed by the body, the phone utilises signal much more effectively. In many cases this translates to improved reception as well as a smaller drain on the battery. That’s right, extended battery life!

Signal shielding technologies:
In a similar way to our shielded pouches and tablet cases, the body is protected by a layer of wave-absorbing shielding material which is sandwiched between the user and the phone, for example by anti-radiation material within a flip cover. Radiation exposure reduction is estimated at 50% with cell phones continuing to operate at normal capacity. A shielded case is usually well designed, fits your device perfectly and provides good protection considering simplicity of design and ease of use.

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